HR in the age of AI

3 Points

  • Duration 3 hours
  • Students Enrolled 0
  • Last Updated February 27th, 2021
(0 rating)
HR in the age of AI

Meet your instructors

Abraham Durosanwo

Abraham Durosanwo

Key transaction experience Mergers & Acquisition Advisory involving a Nigerian company and a South African company - Conducted Due Diligence, Prepared Valuation and Fairness Opinion, Managed Negotiation process and Share Purchase Agreement execution, Transaction Closure. Acquisition Advisory - Nigerian Private Equity group's acquisition of a Merchant Bank in Ghana. Follow-on syndicate capital injection from other private equity firms.

  • Students: 0
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Effort: 2–5 hours per week
  • Institution: ABC
  • Subject: Design
  • Quizzes: Yes
  • Language: English
  • Video Subtitle: English
  • Certificate: Yes
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