Mentorship Checkout

Membership Level change

You have selected the Yearly membership level.

3 hrs weekly  access to a mentor (virtual) Access to relevant resources within your profession Recognized Mentee batch (what is Mentee batch?) Exposure to new ideas and ways of thinking Recommendations on developing strengths and overcoming weaknesses 1 free training

The price for membership is ₦170,000.00 per .

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Terms & Conditions


This Code of Conduct is for the benefit and protection of the mentor/mentee relationship, regardless of location.



nHRP Mentoring Programme is void of any form of harassment, discrimination or violence.

Discrimination, harassment and violence are defined as follows:


Discrimination: means any form of unequal treatment. It may involve direct or indirect actions that are discriminatory, and may involve rules, practices or procedures that appear neutral, but impacts negatively on the mentor/mentee relationship.

Harassment: It may involve words or actions that are known or should be known to be offensive, embarrassing, humiliating, demeaning or unwelcome, based on a ground of discrimination identified by this policy. Harassment can occur based on any of the grounds of discrimination.

Examples of harassment include:

  • Epithets, remarks, jokes or innuendos related to a person's race, gender identity, gender expression, sex, disability, sexual orientation, creed, age, or any other ground.
  • Posting or circulating offensive pictures, graffiti or materials, whether in print form or via e-mail or other electronic means.
  • Singling out a person for humiliating or demeaning \'teasing\' or jokes because they are a member of a Code-protected group.
  • Comments ridiculing a person because of characteristics that are related to a ground of discrimination. For example, this could include comments about a person’s dress, speech or other practices that may be related to their sex, race, gender identity or creed.
  • If a person does not explicitly object to harassing behaviour, or appears to be going along with it, this does not mean that the behaviour is okay. The behaviour could still be considered harassment under this

Sexual and gender-based harassment: sexual harassment is a form of harassment that can include:

  • Gender-related comments about a person's physical characteristics or mannerisms
  • Paternalism based on gender which a person feels undermines his or her self-respect or position of responsibility
  • Unwelcome physical contact
  • Suggestive or offensive remarks or innuendoes about members of a specific gender
  • Propositions of physical intimacy
  • Gender-related verbal abuse, threats or taunting
  • Leering or inappropriate staring
  • Bragging about sexual prowess or questions or discussions about sexual activities
  • Offensive jokes or comments of a sexual nature about an
  • Rough and vulgar humour or language related to gender
  • Display of sexually offensive pictures, graffiti or other materials including through electronic means
  • Demands for dates or sexual favours.


Violence: any actual, attempted or threatened exercise of physical or virtual force against anyone in the mentor/mentee relationship, that could cause emotional or physical harm, or where it is reasonably interpreted as a threat.

Examples of violence can include:

  • Threatening behaviour, such as shaking fists, destroying property or throwing things
  • Verbal or written threats, such as a threatening phone calls, or any expression of intent that could reasonably be interpreted as potential for physicalor emotionalharm.


nHRP has ZERO tolerance for any form of harassment, discrimination or violence by or against anyone involved in the mentor/mentee relationship. If a mentor or a mentee engages in a behaviour that is considered to be harassment, discrimination or violence, nHRP holds the sole right and discretion to discontinue the relationship and revoke the application.


Please escalate all issues of harassment, violence or discrimination, by sending an email to 



Confidentiality of Business and Personal Information

Mentors and mentees agree to maintain strict confidentiality over information gained in their respective roles in the Mentoring Programme at all times. Mentors and mentees agree that all matters discussed or issues addressed, will be kept confidential, unless otherwise agreed by both the mentor and mentee.

Mentors may be told confidential information about their mentee in order to best support them in the program. Mentors are required to keep such information confidential. 

Mentors and mentees agree to keep confidential any confidential business information disclosed to each other during their participation in the mentor/mentee relationship. For the purposes of this agreement, 'confidential business information' is defined as business information not generally known to the public or which is the property of the mentor/mentee or his or her business or employer.

A breach in confidentiality by a mentor or mentee, may lead to the discontinuation of the relationship and application being revoked.



Conflict of Interest

Mentors and mentees agree to disclose to each other and to nHRP Mentoring Programme any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest relating to the mentoring relationship.

Conflicts of interest may fall into the following categories:

Conflict of Interest: Accepting Gifts/Giving Gifts

  • Mentors may not receive or give gifts from mentees that exceed N10,000.00 in aggregate on an annual basis.

Conflict of Interest: Intimate Involvement with Mentees and their Families

  • Unless a prior relationship exists, mentors may not be involved in an intimate relationship with mentees or mentees family membersduring the mentorship cycle. If a prior relationship exists, such relationship must be declared to nHR


Conflict of Interest: Personal Gain

  • Mentors shall notappear to be using their position to further personal monetary gain.


nHRP reserves the right, after relevant investigation, to terminate any mentoring relationship in which there is a conflict of interest.



Personal information is collected only for the purposes of effective delivery of the program and will not be shared for any other purpose, except as required by law. Information is collected for the purposes of: determining program eligibility; matching mentors and mentees; statistical reporting; outcomes follow up and evaluation; and reporting. Information may be shared with program delivery partners, to ensure effective program delivery.


nHRP and its service delivery partners are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. All information provided will be held in confidence and will be protected in a manner that satisfies the requirements of applicable legislation. Your personal information will be retained in a secure manner. nHRP and its service delivery partners will take all measures reasonably necessary for the protection of your personal information against loss, theft as well as unauthorized access, use, modification, release or disclosure. Your information will be shared with authorized nHRP members and its service delivery partners only for the purposes listed in the paragraph above.


Being a Mentee:

Mentoring is a partnership between two individuals, the mentor and the mentee.

The mentee is the student who needs to absorb the mentor’s knowledge and have the ambition and desire to know what to do with this knowledge. As a student, the mentee needs to practice and demonstrate what has been learned.

A mentee is the "gauge" to measure how interactive the connection between the mentor and mentee will be. This means that the mentee determines the capacity of the mentoring connection. The mentee decides upon the amount of help and guidance he/she needs. As well, the mentee should take the initiative to ask for help or advice and to tackle more challenging assignments.

The role of the Mentee:

  • Clearly communicate your specific career needs.
  • Allow your mentor to take the lead in the relationship, at least initially. Listen and respect the opportunities, limitations and format of the relationship he or she is able to provide for you. Always act with courtesy and respect towards your mentor.
  • Use active listening skills during discussions with your mentor. Be careful not to interrupt, unless you need to clarify a point and you see no other opportunity or pause. Take notes when appropriate, ask good questions and have a purpose for your questions.
  • Prepare the goals and objectives you have for your career. Be prepared to ask for specific guidance and advice on your goals, plans and strategic ideas. The more specific you can be, the easier it will be for your mentor to help you.
  • Take the initiative to ask for feedback. Feedback, although difficult to hear at times, is critical to your personal and professional growth and development. Demonstrate that you are open to hear new ideas and suggestions to bring out your best and overcome any blind spots.
  • Provide information about organisation/role and career to aid their Mentor with the provision of advice and support.
  • Demonstrate that you have followed advice or commitments for action at every opportunity, even if you have modified your plan. Pointing out that you used your mentor’s help and sharing outcomes is important.
  • Act upon advice and assignments on career development
  • Provide own experience to aid discussions
  • Express your appreciation for every form of assistance you get.

Mentee Criteria:

  • Must have a degree (HND/BSC)
  • Can invest a minimum of 3-4hours weekly on personal development.