About Us

Who we are

Network of Unique Human Resource Professionals (also known as nHRP) is a CAC registered Association (CAC/IT/NO 137543) of over 500 Human Resources Professionals, across various sectors, locally and internationally, for the purpose of career and personal development.

In 2013, I started nHRP as a Whatsapp group, in my bid to create a platform where Human Resource Professionals can optimize learning at little or no cost, facilitate networking and have access to career mentorship. One would ask, what was my inspiration, and I will tell you. The frustration of desiring career development but not having the financial capacity to afford the big 4 consulting firms in the early days of my career, inspired me to create a platform where learning and development can be easily accessed. So now, Millions of Professionals will no longer be limited in their quest for career development, because of funding, as our standard development programs are very affordable.

Since inception, we have focused on being a great resource that offers career development opportunities to HR Professionals, nationally and internationally, through relevant development programmes like Training, knowledge sharing sessions, mentorship, and career counseling.

Joy Onwuatu

What we stand for

